High-frequency DEX API

Experience lightning-fast trades and stay ahead of the market with our DEX API.
The most suitable API for crypto arbitrage.

Major EVM blockchains
1000+ requests per second
Processing time: <2ms

Image Description

Want to build an arbitrage bot?

If you're interested in building a bot for crypto arbitrage or algo trading, you need a robust and reliable API that can provide the speed and flexibility you need to take advantage of market opportunities and maximize your profits. That's where our API comes in.

Whether you're a seasoned trader or a beginner, our API makes it easy to build powerful trading bots that can help you automate your trading strategies. Our developer resources and support team are always available to help you get started and answer any questions you may have along the way.

If you want to build a trading bot, our API is the ideal solution. With its speed, reliability, and flexibility, you can create trading bots that are tailored to your specific needs and designed to help you achieve your trading goals.

How to start using our High-frequency DEX API


Sign in

The first step to get started with our API is to sign in to our platform using your email and password. This will give you access to our API dashboard.


Get your API key

Once you've signed in, you can generate an API key from the dashboard. This unique key is what you'll use to authenticate your requests to our API. 

Start building

With your API key in hand, you're ready to start building your blockchain-based applications. Our API makes it easy to integrate blockchain functionality into your software.

Get all of your crypto APIs in one place

Binance smart chain

Supported data

Token data

Provide key token information: token name, symbol, market cap, address. 

Trading pairs

Get the list of all pairs available on all supported exchanges and blockchains (we currently support Ethereum, Binance smart chain, Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum and Avalanche).

Pool reserves

Get the real-time reserves for each pair.

Exchange rates

Get the exchange rates on all pairs. For example, if you want to trade 1 ETH for USDT, you will know in 1 API call how much each platform can give you.

Get started.
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